
Traffic sign - Lane direction [ Japan driving ]

This is the 9th time about traffic sings and marking on the road.

This time is for direction signs.
Since you should drive following these signs, please keep in your mind.

[ Lane direction signs ]Mandatory

Drive each lane along the designated arrow.
You can see these signs everywhere. And you should follow them.
Some times, their signs are painted on the road.
Please take care not only the signs but also the road surface. 
Though there are many variation - difference arrow, just only follow designated arrow.
Lane direction sign3Lane direction sign2Lane direction sign1Lane direction sign

[ One way ] Mandatory

One way. You should follow this sign and did not drive the opposite side to designated arrow.
One way

One way for bicycles. This sign is only for bicycles.
If you ride a bicycle, please follow this sign.
One way

[ Roundabout ]Good

Roundabout there, run clockwise.
In Japan, runabouts are rare for cross road. Less than 100 places. 
You are lucky if run. I have never run in Japan.
Please take care the driving direction is clockwise( basically opposite site than western countries) 


Continue to Traffic sign & Marking 10
Previous to Traffic sign & Marking 8 (Designated road signs)

Next time, I will inform you about " mopeds signs".

I would like you to be helpful for your Japan driving in Japan.
If you have any questions, please let me know them by sending a direct mail or fill comments

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