This is 2nd time, I will inform the warning signs.
You can see somewhere the following sings.As explained previous pages, yellow signs are easy to imagine ( = No Japanese ). So, you can imagine them.
I explain about curving, bend, winding signs
[ Right curve ] Mandatory, Better, Good
This is shown there are right curve ahead. About left curve, the arrow is illustrated to opposite side (left arrow).
It is important that this arrow does not show the actual shape of the curve whether sharp or loose. Sometimes you need to be careful when you are driving on the winding road.
[ Right bend ]
[ Right bend ] Mandatory, Better, Good
This is shown there are right bend ahead. About left bend, the arrow is illustrated to opposite side (left bend).
[ Double Curve ] Mandatory, Better, Good
This is shown there are a double curve ahead. It is important that this arrow does not show the actual shape of road curve whether is shape or loose same as ahead sign. So, sometimes you need to be careful when you are driving on the winding road.
[ Double bend ] Mandatory, Better, Good
This is shown there are a continuing bend right-left ahead. About left-right bend, the arrow is illustrated to opposite side.
[ Winding curve ] Mandatory, Better, Good
This is shown there are a winding curve ahead. It is important that this arrow does not show the actual shape same as ahead sign. Please take care when you see this sign.Continue to Japan Traffic Warning signs - Rail/Tram crossing, School, Traffic light, Slipper road, Falling Rocks, Irregular Surface
Previous to Japan Traffic Warning signs - Crossing, Rotary sings(Crossing, T, Y junction, Rotary)
Next time, I will inform you about traffic light, rail road ahead signs.
I would like you to be helpful for your Japan driving in Japan.
If you have any questions, please let me know them by sending a direct mail or fill comments.
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