This is 4th times about the Guidance signs.
I will inform about parking, route no. signs.You can see somewhere their signs on the expressway or the public road.
Please keep in your mind.
[ Parking zone ]Mandatory
You can sometime see these signs on the expressway or public road.
When you want to park your car, you can park there ( near this sign).
Blue painted sign is for the public road, other hands Green painted sign is for Public road.
*退避 = keep away
[ Passing area ]Good
This sign is too rare. You may not be able to see. You can see the narrow road in the mountain or the winding road. When you have a oncoming vehicle on a narrow road, it is difficult to pass it. You or other can use this area for passing in safety.
*退避 = keep away
*所 =area
[ Slow traffic ]Good
You can see sometimes on the mountain-area road that there are many roads in Japan. Basically, it is not important for you ( when you drive passenger vehicles). If you drive a large truck or some troubles that you did not drive on the enough speed, you should drive this slow traffic lane.
You may see a lot of large vehicles what they are ignoring this sign. They are too dangerous drivers, please do not stay away from them.
[ Slope,Bus Stop, Tram stop ]Good
You can sometime see these signs on the Service area(SA), Parking area(PA) on the expressway or public road. When you see this sign, please take care for another vehicles, pedestrians, etc.
*バス = Bus
*のりば = station
*でんしゃ = Train, tram
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Previous to Last page (Service area, Parking area, Emergency call)
Next time, I will inform you about route No. signs.
I would like you to be helpful for your Japan driving in Japan.
If you have any questions, please let me know them by sending a direct mail or fill comments.
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Previous to Last page (Service area, Parking area, Emergency call)
Next time, I will inform you about route No. signs.
I would like you to be helpful for your Japan driving in Japan.
If you have any questions, please let me know them by sending a direct mail or fill comments.
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