
Guidance sign - Service area/ Parking area [ Japan driving ]

This is 3rd times about the Guidance signs.

I will inform about service area, emergency guidance signs.
You can see everywhere their signs on the expressway.
Especially, the service area signs and emergency sings are important.
Please keep in your mind.

[ Service area, Parking area ]Mandatory

You can see somewhere on the expressway. Service area and Parking area are properly located on the expressway(There is one in about 30 -50 kilometers. It depends on the expressway).
When you want to take a break or change a driver, you can stop there.
There is no difference between Service area(SA) and Parking area(PA). But, SA have many of the services like restaurant, gas station, etc. 
When you drive in Japanese holiday seasons( ex. Beginning of May, middle of August, end and beginning of year.) ,  their SA and PA are much congestion. Please take care your travel time you need. At that time, express also is much congestion.... Please keep in your mind.
Service area, Parking area

[ Emergency call ]Mandatory

When you have a trouble on the expressway, please call by using this telephone ( There is a telephone under or near this sign and free of charge). 
But, unfortunately, operator may be not able to speak English also another languages. I suggest you to have some Japanese language or friends(?) for emergency.  
*This is too rare case. I used only one time for about 25 years driving.  
Emergency call
*非常 = emergency
*電話 = Call

[ Emergency Parking area ]Mandatory

You can see somewhere on the expressway. When your car has some troubles that you can continue to drive, you can stop there. Basically, you could not stop on the road except when the car doesn't move at all.
Emergency Parking area

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Previous to Last page (destination direction, exit for guidance signs)

Next time, I will inform you about Parking, route No. signs.

I would like you to be helpful for your Japan driving in Japan.
If you have any questions, please let me know them by sending a direct mail or fill comments.

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