
Guidance sign - Advance notice [ Japan driving ]

This is 2nd time for the Guidance signs.

You can see everywhere these sings. As informed you, some signs have another language indication, but almost signs do not have. I suggest to keep your destination's Japanese (Kanji).

[ Advance notice ]Better

You can see everywhere in the public road ( = Blued signs). There signs do not have Road No., so it is difficult to understand. And more,  if they do not have the translated indication, it is more difficult.
This signs have many variations, so you could not keep in your mind.
The important point is simple when you are driving.
Point is
-Crossing type - same-level crossing, multi-level crossing ,,,,,
-Find out your direction.
Advance notice

[ Advance notice with Road name ]Better

Same as above signs. Some signs have the indication of road name. The road name is indicated in the arrow. Almost cases are Japanese character(KANJI, HIRAGANA). I think it is too difficult to find out these signs.
Advance notice with Road name
*明治 =Meiji (Proper noun)

[ Advance notice distance and exit ]Better

These signs are for the expressway = Green based signs. There are many variations for this sign because of the difference depends on the city. However, in Expressway,  there are a lot of the English indicated signs. I think it is a little easier to find out.
Advance notice distance and exitAdvance notice distance

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Next time, I will inform you about service area, emergency area signs.

I would like you to be helpful for your Japan driving in Japan.
If you have any questions, please let me know them by sending a direct mail or fill comments.

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