From this time, I will inform the Guidance signs.
You can see everywhere the following sings.
The signs with English, Korean or Chinese described as followings are increasing day by day.However, unfortunately, there are many signs described by only Japanese characteristics in Japan.
I suggest you to keep your destinations Japanese (Kanji )
And, the sign based "Green" is for expressway!!
[ Direction of Expressway ]Mandatory
You can see them near the expressway.
If you drive expressway, please follow this arrow.
Since Japan's expressway have a number, like E1, E2, E3.... same as western countries. I suggest you to keep Expressway name & Number.
=> Expressway No (MLIT, Japanese Ministry HP)
=> Expressway No (MLIT, Japanese Ministry HP)
[ Direction of Expressway ]Better
You can see near the entrance of Expressway = interchange. You check the described number ( 150m). This means is that the distance is 150 meter from here to the entrance of expressway.*入口=entrance of expressway
[ Guidance of distance ]Better
You can see everywhere in the public road. These signs is shown the distance to the city. a sign based Blue is for using public road, Green is for expressway.Please keep in your mind.
[ Destination, Lane ]Mandatory
You can see this after entering the entrance of Expressway. You should drive to your right lane after checked your destination ( Japanese).Since almost Japanese interchange have multiple entrance for expressway.
If you mistake, you lost time and money. Please take care of it before you start a driving.
Continue to Next page
Next time, I will continue to inform you about notice signs.
I would like you to Check another sings (following links)for Japanese Traffic.
I would like you to be helpful for your Japan driving in Japan.
If you have any questions, please let me know them by sending a direct mail or fill comments
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