This is the 13th time about Japan traffic sings and marking on the road.
This time is about designated permitted sign for some vehicles.
This signs are not mandatory nice to have for your knowledge.
[ Riding permitted with parallel for bicycles ]
Basically, bicycles can not run with parallel
However, on the road with this sign, bicycles can ride with parallel.
This sign is rarely, you can see on the exclusive cycle road out of city
[ Permit to run on the railway ]
You can run on the railway for tram.
This sign is also rarely. you can see some cities of Japan - Tokyo, Hiroshima, Hokkaido, etc. (about 10 cities )
[Permit to parking and stopping]
You can park these places with the following signs.
2 sign are same meaning. Choosed depend on the road, city, prefecture...
[ Permit to parking for exclusive drives ]
You can not park these places.
Only for too elderly drivers, some challenged drivers and etc.
Only for too elderly drivers, some challenged drivers and etc.
You may look some Japanese who ignoring this sign and parking.
*標章 = marked with car for too elderly drivers, some challenged drivers and etc.
we will inform my further blog
*車 = vehicle
*専用 =exclusive
*車 = vehicle
*専用 =exclusive
Continue to Traffic sign & Marking 15
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